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Elsinore Grows


After the Second World War both sides of the Sound went through a second industrialization phase. This led to a higher standard of living in the 60´s and growth positivism with fantastic plans.
In the inter-war period a fine building tradition was developed in Elsinore by the renowned mayor Peder Christensen (King Peder). They started early with non-profit building, co-operative houses and cluster houses, for instance ”Hamlet´s Vænge” (1920) and the so-called ”Negro Village”, which became a model for many others. King Peder´s ambition was to create a model municipality, especially when it came to houses, and he succeeded.
Just before the Second World War the municipality stopped interfering in the house building and in 1938 the task was handed over to a newly established cooperative housing society. The building activity during the occupation was limited, there was great demand for houses, and in 1946 500 families did not have a home. The first great projects after the war was the neighbourhood ”Rolighed”. 17 blocks of flats were finished in 1951. The project, which had been designed by the architect V. Drosted, was quite unconventional as the houses were not placed in a long row, but had been adapted to the landscape and the terrain.
The Sound region in 2013?
The Sound region in 2013?

Modern Building Techniques
In the following years the neighbourhoods ”Blicherparken” and Gefionsparken” were built. In 1953 the first prefab construction buildings in concrete, ”Grønningen”, which was finished in 1957. Only the group heating station’s chimney was built by masons. The rest was made in concrete on the spot and was assembled by specially trained workers. The laundry room was furnished with modern electric machines, which could lighten the load of the hard-working housewife. Approximately 250.000 entered the labour market in the 1950´s.
By the end of the 1950 Elsinore was a town in rapid development. The new mayor, Sigurd Schiøtz, expressed his hopes for Elsinore´s expansion like this; ”We want a large town, not a large city”. In 1961 ”Sundparken” was built, a project in three stages with typical block of flats adjusted to the surroundings, but not as convincingly made as the earlier ”nature-adapted” projects.
The ideas about the interplay between the modern house building and its environment go back to the early industrialization. Through so-called ”park building” they tried to place the houses near green spaces. The first functionalistic building projects, for instance ”Blidah Park” at Strandvejen in Hellerup, opened in the beginning of the 30´s new possibilities for the placing of buildings. These projects were probably the models for ”Rolighed” and other building projects in Elsinore.

Utzon´s Cluster Houses
When the architect Jørgen Utzon in 1958-60 designed his famous cluster houses, the Kingo houses in Elsinore and later in Fredensborg (1962-63, he probably knew about the local building tradition and its efforts to adapt to the surroundings. The placement of the individual houses is the most important in this these built-up area. Every house is shut in, but it still merges with the other houses and form a coherent unit. The Kingo-area with its 63 patio houses was listed in 1987. Jørgen Utzon also designed several private houses on both sides of the Sound.
Utzon´s Kingo House
Utzon´s Kingo House
Building Plan
Building Plan

The LO-School, Elsinore Folk High School
Elsinore´s traditional role as one of Denmark´s largest industiral towns since the end of the 19th century, was behind the decision to build the united larbour-movement´s largest folk high school close to the town..
The original architectural competition was won by the world famous Danish architect, Jørgen Utzon, who wanted to build a high-rise block in the hilly terrain, but it was the winners of the second prize, who was given the assignment
They chose to ”lay down the high-rise block” and design the school as a modern village with a medieval and south European element. The main building with education premises, restaurant etc. is centrally placed and around it six building are grouped, which contain the rooms of the participants in the courses.
The school was opened in 1969 and is together with the contemporary Louisiana in Humlebæk a popular resort for architects from all over the world, who admire the simple architecture and its interaction with the surroundings.
The large area around the school has meant that the school since 1969 has been enlarged several times.
A large art collection with around a thousand paintings - mainly Danish contemporary art after the Second World War - is there for the benefit of the many people, who go there.
The LO -School, Elsinore
The LO -School, Elsinore

Kvickly – The Epoch of the Supermarket
Around 1960 the development towards welfare gained speed. This was evident in the increased consumption and the changed shopping and consumption habits. The co-op in Elsinore had successfully extended its assortment of goods with mopeds, TV’s and furniture. They took the consequences and started in 1961 to build a supermarket, designed by the architect Mads Drosted, 36.000 square metres of which 19.000 square metres was shop floor. May 6th 1965 Denmark´s largest co-op shop with a 45 metres long refrigerated counter opened.
Kvickly was built in an old industrial lot in the centre of Elsinore. At the same time a few other houses were built in the middle of town, the present Danske Bank corner house (with façades in marble, glass and copper) and the bank, Bikuben´s counterpart in Axeltorv. In other respects the Elsinore centre is marked by a preserving redevelopment policy.
Kvickly´s Department Store
Kvickly´s Department Store

The Municipal Reform in 1970
In connection with the municipal reform in 1970 Denmark’s largest rural municipality is joined with the typical market town of Elsinore. This gave Elsinore opportunities to expand in new areas. A new centre was established in the area ”Prøvestenen”, where also earlier estates, like Vapnagård, was made into enormous housing estates. In time the market town grew together with the coast communities Snekkersten and Espergærde.
The redevelopment of the old Elsinore continued in the end of the 60´s with the houses in ”Lappen”. This work became a model for the preserving redevelopment of the town´s old centre, which was carried by the town council in 1972.

Espergærde – The Commuters´ Paradise
Espergærde, an old fishing village on the southern edge of town, spread out and the lille town Mørdrup was soon swallowed. Tikøb municipality also started to have growing pains. Partly the pressure on the coastline of the municipality was increased and partly the first motorway in the country (between Elsinore and Copenhagen) opened up new perspectives. Now you could go to your work place in Copenhagen in less than an hour.
In 1959 the idea of expanding Espergærde arose. It was calculated that the population would increase from 4.000 to 15.000-18.000 inhabitants. Two architects, Peer Bruun and Per Christiansen were hired to design the so-called ”white town”. It was to contain houses, schools, institutions, post office and bank, sports ground, church, green areas and a large shopping centre, i.e. everything which make up a town´s structure – possibly except a historical background.
The White City
The White City

New Tendencies
Close and low building has in time become a standard and new variations of the theme are constantly emerging. One example is ”Sjølundsparken” in Hellebæk from 1978. Here the modern, Swedish house fabrication has become a new touch. Next to Sjølundsparken is a whole residential area with Swedish standard houses and they exist today all over North Zealand. The explanation is the low production costs. On the other hand today you can see expensive residential areas, designed by Danish architects in Norra Hamnen in Helsingborg. The integration have come far when it comes to the building of houses.
The Sjølund Park
The Sjølund Park
Somewhere in Sweden?
Somewhere in Sweden?
Somewhere in Denmark?
Somewhere in Denmark?
The north harbour Helsingborg
The north harbour Helsingborg

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