| Consolidation
| | Valdmar Sejr (1202-1241) and archbishop Anders Sunes continued their close cooperation between king and church. The central power tried to adjust the legislature to a Christian central governed country. |
Anders Sunesen after Absalon Absalon died in 1201 and was succeeded by his relative Anders Sunes, who held the archbishop seat until 1223. His contemporary on the royal throne was Valdemar Sejr (1202-41). Even Anders Sunesen´s four brothers had important posts. His brother Peder became bishop in Roskilde. He started the building of the cathedral there, and he was also the man behind the original Our Lady Chruch in Copenhagen.
Educated and Political Active Anders Sunesen was educated and internationally orientated. He was active politically and wanted to develop the close cooperation with the royal power and he participated in the expansion of the Danish Baltic empire.
Anders Sunesen |
Control over Central Power The development of the domestic circumstances was marked by the strong control of the central power. The royal power as well as the ecclesiastical power wanted to change the legislature in order for it to fit in a central governed society. This can be studied in King Valdemar´s funeral book from 1231, where the king´s right of property and relation to the magnate families are determined. In the Jutland Law from 1241 the relationship between king, church and magnates are described.
Valdemar´s Property Book |
New Legislature Anders Sunesen engaged in the adapting of the legislature to a Christian view. He fought against the vendetta, which was typical of the old family society, but it did not fit into his Christian ethics or the society, which was developing. The old proof of innocence by carrying red hot iron in the bare hands, should be exchanged by a right to plead innocent under oath. He also wanted to adapt the legislature on marriage to the Christian outlook on life that it is a sacrament and thus an ecclesiastical affair.
The Scanian Law |
The Leader It was natural for a talented and educated man like Sunesen to be interested in the spreading of education. It was very important to improve the education of the ignorant priests in order for the view of the church on the world and society to be spread. In 1223 Anders Sunesen retired and spent his last years in Ivö in north eastern Scania. He was ill, probably leprous, and he died in 1228. He is buried in Lund´s Cathedral.
Anders Sunesens sarcophagus | Anders Sunesen |